so this is 2008
with matters regarding the mon-kids, i started off the year with this attitude:
turns out subsequently somethings happened. it could be partly because i did not let go completely either. when my fingers were grabbed, i decided to hold it once again. i thought (and kinda wanted) it would be like this:
turns out i never left, when even when the boats came.
for a period of time, i felt like this. especially when i was at the new pasture - torn between monkeys at both pastures. it wasn't a case of either-all, it was a case of not having a choice at all. what was done for the new pastures, i wished i could use it for the mon-kids. but it was still limited to a few.
when it all cumulated and they have made it through the big hurdle, silence was all that's left. it's close to 2 months of silence with most of them.
among this silence, much has happened. . i had one of my best semester results a mid an extremely crazy semester, handling inefficiencies of admin work to prepare for my time away for a long long time.
the last 2 months came with bad news about mae. things seems optimistic right now. i hope it stays that way. then again, anything can happen.
as for the mon-kids, this song enlightened me.
the ticket to the destination was never for me all along. to have come so far and close to the destination - i should count myself lucky.
the ticket is available to all. right now, they have so many boats for them. the boats have the tickets to the destination - why would the log be needed at the destination if that's the case? is he wanted at the destination at all in the first place?
i forgot that the ticket was never meant for me - the destination was something that is available to all, the boats, but not the floating log. some how, i felt a lot more at peace when i realised this, especially when i found out that i will be missing a lot more things at the destination. why be bothered about it. it was never meant for me from the start.
i don't know what to say about the new year. so much has happened this year, in terms of personal life, in terms of the world. perhaps 2008 is the darkest hour before dawn. perhaps we have yet to reach the darkest hour yet.
but life is transient. so is all things good and bad. this is my attitude: